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Carry More Comfortably with Racks and Bags

Category: Pro Tips, Uncategorized








One of the major perceived drawbacks of biking over automobile transportation is the lack of cargo carrying capacity. However, with the right setup, most would be surprised at how much a bicycle can help you carry.


Of course, not all of us can be the hero in the above picture, but luckily, there are all sorts of bicycle accessories that can help you carry what you need to where you need it to be.

A backpack is a useful cargo tool but the physical exertion inherent to cycling often leaves you sweaty, which in combination with wearing a backpack is sticky and uncomfortable. A key item in freeing yourself from the tyranny of the backpack is a rear rack, often colloquially known as a “rat-trap”.


Axiom Journey Rear Rack

These can have cargo strapped on them directly, with bungee cords, rope, or whatever is at hand, but are better combined with rack-mounted pannier bags or rack top bags. Pannier bags attach securely to a pannier, but can be removed and carried with a convenient handle. These are among the highest-capacity bicycle luggage items available, many featuring separate pockets. Some are even fully weatherproof to keep your stuff dry in the Vancouver wet. These range from the rugged to the urban chic.


Blackburn Wayside Backpack Pannier (L) and Basil Urban Fold Messenger Bag (R)

Rack top bags also attach to a rear rack, but to the top, rather than the side, of the rack. These generally have a lower capacity than pannier bags, but are less bulky.

Blackburn Top Rack Bag

Blackburn Barrier Rack Top Bag

Beyond this, many other options for hardcore bicycle storage exist – smaller handlebar bags which mount to your bars, seatpost bags which mount to your seatpost below your saddle, frame bags which mount within the main triangle of your frame, front panniers designed to mount onto a pannier rack attached to your bicycle’s front fork, and even specialized cargo bikes for carrying extremely heavy loads.

If you’re thinking of getting geared up for serious cargo carrying, come down to Denman Bikes and our experienced mechanics and salespeople will be happy to help you get set up with the best bicycle cargo system for your needs!


This could be you… adventure awaits


So what is a Performance “Commuter” Bike?

Category: Bike Trends, Featured Items, Pro Tips









When you think of commuting, what comes to mind? Are you stuck in traffic inside your car, or trying to find a seat on an overcrowded bus? What if we told you there was another way…a faster, more economical and hands-down FUN way to commute? There is – it’s on a bike. But not just any bike – the commuter!

So What is a Performance “Commuter” Bike?

A commuter ride is light, fast and equipped with a large gear range. Also, instead of cycling with an upright posture, as with a city bike, the rider is angled slightly downward. This is termed a more “aggressive” position, where the angle is all about power.

This angled riding posture allows you to really dig down into your pedals and get a much more effective stroke each time around. It is also  a better position to tackle those hills that are probably somewhere along your route (while making use of all those gears!) – Vancouver doesn’t always make it easy, but the commuter does!

Some commuters have flat bars and a slight angled posture:

The Brooklyn Roebling is a lightweight commuter bike with 24 speeds and a derailleur – easy to ride and perfect to customize.


The Brooklyn Lorimer comes in matte ivory, boasts 25 speeds and a lightweight frame that comes in smaller sizes to accommodate petite riders.

 Other Commuters are Sporty and ready for the Trail:




The Kona Dew Plus and Kona Dew Deleuxe are great examples of quality Kona bikes with a broad gear range, high performance hydraulic brakes that offer consistent, superior braking ability in wet conditions.

Some Have Drop Bars – These Make Great Touring Bikes, too!


kona_rove_al kona_jake

The Kona Rove AL and Kona Jake are sporty, performance-oriented bikes that can tackle just about any adventure, be it the route to work or a weekend tour. The drop bar orients the rider in an “aggressive” riding position, angled downward.

Why Ride a Commuter?

SAVE MONEY Switching your car out for riding a bicycle is an amazing way to save 100’s, even 1000’s of dollars a year! Bikes are free to ride and inexpensive to maintain and repair. If you’re looking for a budget hack, this is it!

GET OUT OF TRAFFIC – Don’t spend a minute more in the car than you have to! Starting or ending your day on the bike is energizing, instead of infuriating. With most Vancouver buses equipped with bike racks, you’re always good to go no matter what.

GET IN TO SHAPE – Commuting by bike is the easiest way to get in shape without spending time (or money) in the gym. Cycling is a excellent cardiovascular exercise, known for building endurance and burning fat. Set the pace you’re comfortable with – and be amazed at how quickly your strength grows.

HAVE FUN!!! – The best part! At its core, riding is fun. Getting to and from work doesn’t have to be a chore – enjoy yourself and experience the pleasure of cycling!